Safety & Security Update April 2017

As a result of an increase in sightings of Coyotes in our neighborhood I am repeating information that was included in a safety and security article two years ago. Under normal conditions, coyotes do not present a danger to people, especially if you follow the below safety tips.

Coyote Safety Tips
• Never approach or touch a coyote.
• Never feed coyotes or any wild animals directly or indirectly. Be sure to pick up outside food and water bowls once pets have been fed.
• Never approach a coyote den. They will respond as a dog responds when a stranger comes to its home / yard.
• Store trash in covered, heavy-duty animal-proof containers. Add ammonia to trash if animals have been raiding trash bins. Avoid open compost bins with food scraps.
• Remove thick brush and weeds around homes that may harbor rodents. The presence of rodents may attract coyotes.
• Keep cats and dogs inside as much as possible. Keep small dogs on a leash when walking them outside. Do not walk small dogs at dusk or at night. An unattended small dog or cat can be an easy prey item for a coyote.
• Be a threat: Chase of coyotes when you see them. Throw sticks, yell, wave your arms, spray them with a hose to chase them away. This will help keep a den from being located nearby and will help them to maintain a level of fear towards humans.
• Fence off outside animal enclosures and include a top. Coyotes can jump a 6’ high fence.
• Enclose the bottoms of porches or decks and maintain outdoor storage sheds in a manner that prevents animals from using them for cover.

Human / Coyote Interactions Coyotes can become tolerant of people and some coyotes may exhibit little fear. Encounters with coyotes should be treated the same as with any wild animal – simply keep your distance and leave them alone. Under normal conditions, coyotes do not present a danger to people. Simply sighting a coyote is not a cause for alarm and there is no need to call police or other authorities.

Rarely, coyotes can become aggressive if they feel threatened or are protecting young in their den. This aggression is most frequently directed toward dogs that wander too close. Diseased or injured coyotes might also display aggressive actions. In the event a coyote becomes aggressive, back slowly away while yelling and waving your arms. In some cases, throwing rocks or sticks might be an effective deterrent. Do not run. Call 911 as soon as possible to get help from Animal Control. Again, this is only for situations where a coyote is displaying abnormal or aggressive behavior.

The following crimes were reported in Providence Plantation from January 1 through March 31.

**The frauds did not occur in Providence Plantation

YTD we have experienced an 89% increase in reported crime as compared to 2016.

Burglaries and Frauds increased from 0 to 2
Leaving the Scene increased from 0 to 1
Vandalism increased from 3 to 6
Larcenies from Auto increased from 6 to 7

Please remember to lock your cars and do not leave anything of value in plain view. Most larcenies from autos are crimes of opportunity. Items are removed from unlocked autos.

It is important to report all incidents of crime to the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department. For crimes in progress and other emergencies, dial 911. For non-emergencies, and past crimes, call 311.

You can also report the following past crimes using the Online Reporting System; Larceny, Harassing Phone Calls, Theft from Auto, or Property Damage. You can do so at CharMeck Online Reporting.

Also, please notify me at 849-9234, between 9am and 9pm, or you can e-mail me at

Harvey Katowitz, Security Chairperson