City & County Services

Requesting a City or County service is as easy as selecting a service type and completing the form that follows. Once the form is completed, you will receive a service request tracking number and your request will be forwarded to the appropriate department. You may call 3-1-1 to track the status of your request.

For non-emergency Police reports, please use the CMPD Online Crime Reporting System. Otherwise issues for Police must be reported by calling 9-1-1 (emergency) or 3-1-1 (non-emergency).

The City of Charlotte is a public entity subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law. Any information you provide to the City is potentially subject to disclosure pursuant to a public records request.

ANIMALS – Dead Animal Collection

Dead animals are collected from City streets and from residences. The resident is responsible for placing animal curbside.
Service is provided within the Charlotte City limits only.

CARTS – Recycling Cart Pickup

This request is for residents who have already received a 96-gallon recycling cart and would like it picked up. If you have not received delivery of a green 96-gallon cart and would like to opt out, please select CARTS – Do Not Want 96gal Recycling Cart instead.

Please be aware that by choosing to have your cart picked up you are indicating you do not want to use the 96-gallon cart to recycle. You can still recycle using recycling bins. Bins must be no more than 20 gallons and only two bins will be collected every-other-week. If you choose to use the 96-gallon green cart at a later date we will re-deliver you a cart after August 2010.

DRAINAGE – Blockage in a city drainage system

Blockage must be on a City maintained drainage system. It includes:

  • Heavy debris “jams” at culverts/pipe entry
  • Large vegetative growth
  • Blockage caused by vegetation or trash posing a potential threat.

DRAINAGE – Erosion along a creek or storm drain

Erosion along a creek or a city/county storm drain should be reported.


  • Erosion posing a threat to either channel or ditch structures
  • Erosion that has affected water quality.

DRAINAGE – Flooding from a drainage structure

If you feel you are in imminent danger: CALL 911

Report flooding that results from a City Maintained street or drainage structure.

DRAINAGE – Pollution in a creek, stream or lake

Fertilizer, paint, motor oil and other pollutants put down the storm drain empty right into the creeks and lakes without any treatment of the water.

If you witness anyone dumping any toxic substance down the storm drain, enter a Pollution request. These will be directed to Mecklenburg Water Quality Management.


Trees within the city right of way are maintained by the City’s Landscape Management group. To report damage to a tree, hanging tree limb, or fallen tree, please enter the street location, if possible please include a house number.

If a tree or part of a tree has fallen and is obstructing or completely blocking the street, please call 911 to report this immediately.

MISC – Speakers Bureau Request

NEIGHBORHOODS – Boarded Up Residential Structure

A structure must be registered with the City of Charlotte within 48 hours of being secured. The ordinance allows the structure to be boarded up for a duration of six months. To check whether a structure has been registered, click List of Boarded up Structures. Otherwise, report an unregistered boarded up residential structure.


Graffiti includes drawings, writings, markings or inscriptions regardless of content or nature of materialson any type of public or private building, structure or any other real or personal property.

If the graffiti is temporary, easily removable, or used in connection with lawful business or public purpose (hopscotch, construction) there is no violation.

NEIGHBORHOODS – High weeds & grass,junk in yard,etc.

Property owners within the city limits are required to maintain their premises in a safe and sanitary condition. Violations include: weeds and grass higher than 12 inches, accumulation of trash or junk and junk automobiles.

NEIGHBORHOODS – Parking on Lawn 8 am – 5 pm M-F

Vehicles parked on a front lawn from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday are investigated by a Code Enforcement inspector.

NEIGHBORHOODS – Parking on Lawn After Hours/Weekends

Vehicles parked on a front lawn from 5:00 pm to 8:00 am Monday through Friday and on weekends are investigated by a Code Enforcement inspector.

NEIGHBORHOODS – Signs in Public Rights of Way

Signs cannot be placed within 11 feet of the edge of the pavement, in medians, in traffic islands, on utility poles, on sidewalks, on sign posts, on bridges, or any other right of way within City limits. Sign types include but are not limited to advertising, real estate/development, garage sale, and campaign signs.

SIDEWALKS – Container Obstruction

Sidewalks in public street rights of way are to remain free from hazards and accessible to all pedestrian traffic.

SIDEWALKS – Obstruction

Call 311 to report cars parked on sidewalks.

Sidewalks in public street rights-of-way are to remain free from hazards and accessible to all pedestrian traffic.

STREETS – Basketball Goal in Street

Basketball goal in the public right-of-way (sidewalks, at the curb, in the street etc.) The address must be within the Charlotte city limits.

STREETS – New Sidewalk

New sidewalk request for a street within the Charlotte city limits.

STREETS – New Traffic Signal Request

New traffic signals can be requested at any intersection location within the City of Charlotte limits, including state roadways.

STREETS – Pothole Repair

To report a pothole in a street, please enter the street location. If possible, include a house number or block range in the location comments.

STREETS – Residential Traffic Calming Devices

Traffic Calming methods include:

  1. Speed Limit reduction – to 25 MPH
  2. Speed Humps
  3. Stop Signs

The street must be within the Charlotte city limits.

STREETS – Right of Way Sight Obstructions

Sight obstruction in the right-of-way (sidewalk, at the curb, in the street, etc.) The address must be within the Charlotte city limits and on a city maintained street.

STREETS – Sidewalk Repair

Damaged (cracked, uneven or missing) sidewalk sections for a street within the Charlotte city limits.

Water coming through, around or from under the sidewalk should be reported to 311 via phone.

STREETS – Street Sign Repair

Damaged or missing street signs.

Stop signs must be reported by calling 3-1-1 to insure immediate dispatch of a service team.

STREETS – Streetlight Repair

Reports of streetlights in need of repair may be entered. However, they are forwarded to Duke Energy for service.

STREETS – Traffic Signal Timing

All traffic signals within the City of Charlotte limits, including those along state maintained roadways.

TRASH – Schedule a Bulky Item Pickup

Items too large to be placed in a rollout cart can be scheduled for collection. To be eligible for this service, you must currently receive garbage collection from the city.

ZONING – Enforcement

NBS Zoning primarily deals with how residential land is being used.
Examples: Large commercial vehicles in a residential area, operating a business in a residential area, fences (height requirements), building in required setback, banners/flags/portable signs, etc. To review the ordinance, click on Zoning Ordinance.